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Oxenfree – Officially Telly Winners

Today we’re proud to announce that we are official winners of the 42nd Annual Telly Awards 🥳

Our brand film, Snap! Orlando: Creative Placemakers, was awarded 4 Silver Telly Awards in Branded Content for Directing, Editing, Cinematography, and the overall category of Museums & Galleries.

We of course couldn’t have achieved this level of recognition without our amazing crew and our inspiring clients, Patrick & Holly Kahn of Snap! Orlando. A huge thank you and congratulations to everyone who helped make this film come to life!

This film premiered during the pandemic, but as the world starts to open back up, we’d love to host a true premiere of the film for everyone to enjoy. For now, please visit the link in our bio to see the film and links to our awards 👀

We’ve got some great projects lined up for the rest of the year, and we look forward to sharing them with you soon!


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