We're Looking Forward
Happy New Year!
2018 was a fantastic year for us at Oxenfree, and we wanted to reminisce on all of the wonderful things that we accomplished before diving in to our goals for the new year.
Some of the highlights of 2018 include:
Our Creative Director, Ben, married former Producer, Dani, and went to Thailand for a few weeks
Hired Carrie (me) as a Producer
Worked with creative agencies like Tinsley Creative to create commercials for their clients
Partnered with the team at PN Medical throughout the year, and produced videos for their current product, The Breather, and other upcoming products
Traveled across the country for shoots with brands like Uber, ESPN, RedBull, Florida Hospital, March For Our Lives, and the Orlando Magic team
Finished production on a narrative short film
Produced & partnered with businesses like Craft & Common to create story driven content that describes the why behind it all!
As amazing as 2018 was, we're looking at 2019 with bright eyes, and refreshed minds. We're saying "hello" to new opportunities to learn and grow. This year's going to be one for the books, we feel it in our bones. To keep this energy flowing, we sat down and discussed our goals for Oxenfree this year.
In 2019 We're Staying Positive
It's not always true that busy = good. We realized we were finding ourselves devoting time and energy to projects that weren't fulfilling as other projects could be. So, this year we want to change that and dedicate more of our time to truly work on what we have, knowing something bigger is coming, and not to settle in the downtime. We learned this the hard way in 2018, and we have grown from those experiences!
We're Finishing What We've Started
Some projects feel like they're never going to end - and then there are those that truly have no end in sight. Currently there are a few projects at Oxenfree that are wrapping up post-production, but there are other open projects that have no concrete timeline. This ends now.
One of these projects is a short film that's been in the making for over a year. Finally, in 2019 we are seeing a light at the end of the post-production tunnel, and it's looking like the film will be released soon!
We aim to finish all of our open projects by the end of the first quarter - then it's time for new projects, with concrete timelines to keep production moving at an efficient rate.
We're Branching Out
We firmly believe that 2019 is going to be a great year for networking and creating strong partnerships with other production companies in our area, as well as with digital agencies around the country.
We're a new company, so cultivating lasting relationships with our peers will help us grow and learn. There is always something new to be discovered when working with new people; we want to collaborate with companies new and old, to see what amazing new ideas and projects we can come up with this year.
We're Changing Up Our Marketing
Every business aims to be at the front of the consumer's mind, however we at Oxenfree aim to toe the line between being memorable and going overboard. We have a few ideas we're working on, but marketing is an ever-evolving part of business, so as we learn more, we'll implement new techniques and methods to leave a lasting impression on the minds of potential clients.
Tell A New Story Each Quarter
Our bread and butter is creating Brand Stories. So we're aiming to do more of them this year. Oxenfree was created with the vision of demystifying brands in mind. We love to open up why these companies exist and how they work in a visual form with these Stories, and by doing so we give and opportunity for potential customers to see just who they should be working with - something that they wouldn't be exposed to otherwise!
We've set a goal to share at least one new Brand Story a quarter. We really do love making them, so the more the better!
Now that we've told you our goals, we want to hear yours! Leave a comment below sharing some things you or your business want to achieve this year!
If you're ready to start making video content, reach out to us! We love collaborating and creating video content with businesses.
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